Saturday, March 9, 2019

Starscream's Triumph

Starscream's Triumph

It's my interpretation of the scene where Starscream and Bruticus best Megatron. Zeta Toys Armageddon stood in for Bruticus. Fortunately, Revoltech Starscream and Megatron figures work well enough scale-wise so I didn't have to muck with blending and rescaling larger figures.

The background mountains to about mid-frame desert ground is from a photo I found online. I bashed in my own photos of a dried lake bed for the foreground and sunset, and sky for the background. I briefly toyed with the idea of taking the set to the park, but at almost 20 inches, Armageddon is rather unwieldy and I didn't want to lose any pieces in the cracks.

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Saturday, January 19, 2019

A Good Bot Goes to War

A Good Bot Goes to War

I've been in a bit of a creative slump lately. Fortunately, the model kit has a nice box cover that served as inspiration for this scene.

Instead of the usual white background picture to start with, I took a long exposure against a black background, using my cell phone screen to paint the lighting. Then, it was a matter of bashing together a bunch of downloaded images.

The background is from a downloaded screen capture from War for Cybertron. The Earth is from NASA's website. The muzzle flash, sparks, smoke, and explosion are from stock photos.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Scenic Twilight

Scenic Twilight

It's been a while since I've worked on a photo project. Three stymied attempts to go to Mexico and Hawaii to collect more sunset photos and my illness really combined to suck the creative spirit right out of me. Had to dig through my photo library to find an old one from Waikiki just as the sun went down over the horizon.

I positioned X-Transbots Flipout on a paving tile in front of my laptop screen. Although I took a bunch of photos with different colored gels on my flash, I wound up only using a single photo from when the flash didn't fire. The reflection from the monitor and the ambient room lights provided enough color variations.

The Ferrari emblem is from a photo of a Ferrari that is more or less oriented in the same position.

I haven't gotten around to transforming Flipout yet. I expect it will be as easy as Crackup was.

Sunday, April 15, 2018



I still love Planet X Apocalypse. It is definitely a conversation piece. How could any guest not acknowledge a large robot standing guard on the coffee table? Unfortunately with no space to display large pieces in the living room, I have dispersed the larger figures to the bedrooms, much to my family's annoyance.

Apocalypse is too big for my light tent and my acrylic sheets so I had to shoot him on a piece of white poster board, then painstakingly cut him out. I'm a bit out of practice so hopefully I didn't leave too much of an outline. I added the purple glows in Photoshop because I ran out of those little batteries to make use of his light-up feature. 

The star field is from a couple of Noise layers. The nebulas are from a cloud photo I had taken somewhere and colored with a Color Dodge layer using my custom smoke brush. Both suns and the small planet are created from Sphere Distortions of marble textures I found online, then color graded with Layer Styles and Photo Filters. Using Color Dodge as the Outer Glow Blend Mode causes them to interact with the cloud layer underneath, giving them their asymmetrical halo. The foreground is a NASA photo of our own atmosphere. And of course, I wrapped it all up with a lens flare.

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Friday, December 22, 2017

Sunset Run

Sunset Run

The car mode of this figure is absolutely gorgeous. I just had to use it in a project before transforming it.

I shot Unique Toys Peru Kill on a sheet of dark sand paper while positioning my laptop screen so that the fullscreen photo of a sunset would reflect in the windshield. It had the added benefit of adding some nice purple highlights to the car itself. This saved me the trouble of trying to superimpose a sunset later. The soft shadows are also a result of the laptop screen. The sunset is one I had photographed at Shoreline Lake last year.

In Photoshop, I combined my shot with a couple of street texture photos that I found online, cleaned up the usual blemishes and dust on the car, and added headlights and tail lights. I used some motion blur to convey a sense of movement.

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Sunday, December 17, 2017

"You have failed me for the last time . . . again"

"You've failed me for the last time . . . again"

Starscream, the trope namer for the overly ambitious subordinate who's ready to take over for the big bad at the first sign of weakness. I've always found it hilarious how he was so quick to declare that Megatron had fallen and assume command of the Decepticons. I can't help but feel a sense of vicarious pride for the smug bastard during his crowning ceremony in The Movie, only to laugh when Galvatron finally shows up and does what Megatron should have done so long ago. I wish they had shown how Starscream managed to subdue all the Decepticons, including Devastator, after jettisoning a mortally wounded Megatron. My biggest complaint about his portrayal in the live action movies is that we never saw that traitorous aspect of this character.

I suppose I could have shot Masterpiece Starscream with his crown and cape accessories at the height of his glory, but I suffered from new toy syndrome with Maketoys Meteor. Although the mechanics of shooting Meteor and Despotron were simple, I did have to spend a bit of time finagling the figures into position because of Despotron's arm sculpt butting against Meteor's chest sculpt.

The final image is a composite of a couple of shots - one with purple gel and another with orange gel on my flash. In Photoshop, I combined them together, exposing whichever parts of each layer I felt worked against the background I had chosen. The background is a shot of some random fall evening. I also added some color overlay layers to further enhance the purplish and orange reflections. It's a subtle effect, but worth the effort I think because the figures would just be a somewhat plain off-white otherwise. The reflections of the clouds and trees on Meteor's body were done with a layer mask and a slightly transparent brush to allow the background to show through.

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Wednesday, November 22, 2017

The Coming Storm

The Coming Storm

I started out with a simple space scene to highlight Generation Toy Tyrant, but got bored since I've already done a couple of those. I also wanted something more than a sunrise backdrop. 

Tyrant and GCreations Ultra Maxmas were shot in my light tent. A combination of colored gels on my flash and Photoshop Curve and Color Dodge layers were used to color grade them. Tyrant already had purple energon lines painted on his body, which I spruced up with Inner and Outer Glow Layer Styles. His exhaust trail is a distorted polygon with Field Blurs applied at both ends.

The background is a sun rise shot over the Silicon Valley, taken after a long hike up Black Mountain. The explosion is from a stock photo I found online. I used a Levels layer to blend it into my photo, then I used Color Dodge layers to paint the sky and clouds on fire, more so than they already were from the sun. I finished the scene off with a lens flare because I'm channeling JJ Abrams.

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Starscream's Triumph

Starscream's Triumph It's my interpretation of the scene where Starscream and Bruticus best Megatron. Zeta Toys Armageddon stood i...