Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Let's see how he likes my new shock blast cannon!

This was a simple set of shots from a scene in Heavy Metal War where Wheeljack's weapon explodes in his face. Sad as it may have been, I would have preferred something like this for The Movie than his offscreen demise.

Unfortunately, Wheeljack's arm can't butterfly over to reach the handle of the weapon. His shadow is created from a Drop Shadow Layer Style. I used my custom smoke brush to draw the explosion for the second picture. Ironhide's lasers are created from Inner and Outer Glow Layer Styles.

The mountain background is a shot of some cliffs at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve that were run through a Cutout Filter Gallery. The ground in the third picture is just several panels of the desert tiles from ToxHax.

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Saturday, March 12, 2016

Die, Autobots!

I have a morbid fascination with this scene, from when the Decepticons blasted their way onto the shuttle to when Megatron blew off Iron Hide's head. I couldn't believe how easily the Autobots went down. These weren't Red Shirts nor the weaker members of the team. I wonder what Brawn was thinking, charging in like that, without even a gun.

Bad Cube Brawny was shot from above. I'm still getting used to the depth of field on my new camera, which is why his feet aren't in focus. I ran his windshield through a Craquelure Filter Gallery and used Clone Stamps and Hue/Saturation Layers to draw in the debris. His mouth is brushed on. There is a Drop Shadow Layer to give him a sense of being elevated from the ground.

Masterpiece Starscream is holding the mini Megatron accessory that I've long forgotten came with which figure. The smoke coming from the barrel is a shot of an extinguished candle flame. It's a subtle effect, but I think worth the effort spent capturing some smoke pictures.

Generation Toy Navvy is serving double duty as Scavenger and Bonecrusher. I used a Hue Saturation Layer to recolor his legs for Bonecrusher and the smoke to hide his body.

Generation Toy Mixer may have provided for a more consistent look, but I'd already spent some time cleaning up Toy World Concrete.

Sadly, Long Haul didn't make it into the shot since I don't have one.

Since I couldn't think of a decent way of replicating the shuttle interior, I spent a little time transforming and clone stamping the screen capture. I had to hide where the drawn characters were still peaking through and extend the light running along the ceiling.

I may have gone a little overboard with the smoke effects, but I needed a way to hide not-even-not-Bonecrusher and the far end of the shuttle. Both sets of smoke were drawn with my custom Smoke brush.

I may redo Scavenger and Bonecrusher and add in Long Haul once I get a hold of the Toy World figures.

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Thursday, March 10, 2016


Hot Rod gets a lot of flack for getting in the way of Optimus Prime and Megatron's duel, but I've always liked the character. I always liked how this scene demonstrates his willingness to jump into the fray. Although you could argue, "What the hell hero", for starting a fire fight with a little kid right next to him.

Not without its flaws, Masterpiece Hot Rod is a great and fun figure. There wasn't much to be cleaned up in terms of paint blemishes and screw holes. Thanks to his ab crunch, I was able to get a pretty decent pose. Maybe I could have posed the arms a little straighter, but I have a bad habit of diving right into the Photoshop phase before realizing things could be a little better.

I drew in his mouth with a soft brush. His goggles and the laser beams were created with Overlay and Outerglow Layer Styles. I'm not sure what that yellow dot atop his head is so I just left it out. His shadow is a Drop Shadow Layer Style.

The platform is one of my Mechanical Chain Base panels with a Hue Saturation Layer for color and run thru a Fresco Filter Gallery for texture. There is a Drop Shadow Layer falling onto the cliffs too. The cliffs are a shot of rock formations at Fitzgerald Marine Reserve, with a Cutout Filter Gallery applied.

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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

'Til all are one

I'll admit it. My eight-year-old self shed a tear in the theater when Optimus Prime died. Despite having seen death in action movies and Japanese anime, I don't think any onscreen death had impacted me before.

I've been working on this project for a while and only needed Hot Rod to complete the shot. I suppose I could have used Masterpiece Rodimus Prime, but figured it would be worth it to wait. Mastermind Creations Azalea is standing in for Arcee, but everyone else is a Masterpiece figure. I think I may have mistakenly used Spike instead of Daniel.

The ground is a shot of my Mechanical Chain Base Panels, with a Cutout Filter Gallery applied and then a blue to grey gradient overlayed.

The table is an accessory from one of the Mechanical Chain Base sets. I applied a Saturation Layer to change its color and transformed it to increase its size.

Optimus Prime was shot standing up, but from a low angle. After doing a lot of work to him, I realized I had not closed his Matrix chamber. Oh well. Besides covering up screws and applying a dim eye glow, I used a Craquelure Filter Gallery to give him that battle damaged look. I also brushed on some smudges to his abdomen.

The Matrix, Hot Rod, Ultra Magnus, Azalea, and Daniel were all shot separately and dropped into the scene. Daniel required the most cleaning up because of sloppy paint work and seams at his joints. I used a Dry Brush Filter Gallery to further hide his imperfections, which had been further accentuate by the Canon 500D Close-up lens I had used.

Hot Rod was shot with my Canon 70D. I still haven't figured out how to get clean white backgrounds with that camera. Despite that, he was easy to cut out because of the much sharper edges afforded by the better camera. I did have to cut out his left leg and transform it because the original perspective would have interfered with Ultra Magnus.

Because of the angle of the ground to the figures, all the shadows were easily created using Drop Shadows Layer Styles. I pushed the shadows to their own layers because I needed some to change directions, like where Optimus shadow goes from the table to the ground to Hot Rod.

Now I just need someone to make a Masterpiece Kup so I can do the next shot from this scene.

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Starscream's Triumph

Starscream's Triumph It's my interpretation of the scene where Starscream and Bruticus best Megatron. Zeta Toys Armageddon stood i...