Saturday, September 2, 2017

And One Shall Fall!

I knew I should have used something besides my usual white background when first taking this shot of Spark Toys Spartacus and Alpha Pack. I simply could not reproduce the angles to my satisfaction while trying out different felt backgrounds. Thank goodness for the Multiply mode in Photoshop.

To add some mood to the picture, I used a foreground layer of clouds I had taken with a magenta filter. Without having to do any cutouts, which is very difficult when the edges are not sharp and distinct, Multiply mode pretty much replaced the white background and imparted some natural looking colors to the highlights on the figures. Several layers in Color dodge mode were added to alter the color some more. It was all a random, happy accident, and I probably wouldn't be able to reproduce the exact same image from scratch.

I added the sparks from a picture I downloaded to make more dynamic where Alpha Pack's axe is striking Spartacus' shield.

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