Saturday, February 25, 2017

Not today, Galvatron!

I tried to keep it simple today. No painstaking cut-outs this time. The background is just a blue poster board. There was a lot of fiddling with the figures and trial and error to get the composition that I wanted though. FansToys Sovereign stood in for Galvatron. His angry face works so well for this kind of scene. DX9 Carry stood in for Hot Rod's arm. I could have used Masterpiece Hot Rod, but I didn't want to deal with the height disparity between the two figures. The trickiest part was dealing with the Matrix. At first I tried to suspend it from string, but then realized I'd have to clean it in Photoshop so I simply resorted to balancing it on Sovereign's chest. The glow effect is from Inner and Outer Layer Style effects along with a Lens Flare render.

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