Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Beast Hunters

I think the source picture is from the Bluray cover. Unfortunately, I don't have a Beast Hunters Optimus Prime nor a regular Megatron so made do with what is in my collection.

First Edition Optimus Prime is a pretty good figure. I hunted one down because I really wasn't satisfied with Dark Energon Optimus Prime and his lack of a face plate.

My copy of Megatron is a floppy mess. I'm amazed he stood long enough for this shot.

I erased various kibble bits from both Optimus Prime and Megatron, filled in gaps, covered screws, and added glowing eyes and some glowing bits to break up the solid colors.

Optimus Prime and Megatron were simple poses, but Predaking was a little more involved. The figure itself doesn't have any side-to-side head articulation, and the wings can't be displayed at that angle. I took separate pictures of the head, body, and wings and composited it all together with layer masks and the Clone Stamp tool. I added the fire breath because I wanted to make use of my smoke brush. I also added some colored highlights to the unpainted head.

The ground is the dried-out lake bed from a local park. The mountain is a deformation of the rock bridge at Natural Bridges park. The sky and clouds is from a summer day. I applied various color overlays to get the purple and blue hues.

The lighting is created from a Render Difference Cloud.

Direct link -https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bwxl1QbH6hwVVUpyRWY0bnBRbWc/view?usp=sharing


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