Friday, January 1, 2016

Booby Trap

Blitzwing is a decent figure, made better by the Dr Wu kit that fixes his faulty shoulders and gives him a larger rifle and a younger face. I didn't get Doubledealer because I vaguely remember him having a missile truck and a bird for alt modes.

Fancy Cell Transportation Captain is a surprisingly good figure. At least his robot mode is. I haven't transformed him yet. He looks good and scales well with Generations Blitzwing. Chigurh and Evil Star are both much larger figures. For having such large feet, he still has a tendency to fall backwards though. I'm interested to see what else this company comes up with.

I don't remember why they have a girl chained to a crate in this episode.

This was composed of three shots - the figures and ground; the doll, chain, and crate; and the sky. The figures were shot together standing on a couple of sand tiles from Toy Stages. The crate is from a Mechanical Chain Base set. I borrowed one of my daughters' smaller dolls to serve as the captive. I'm finding hair to be a pain to create a layer mask from. The chain is one of those rubberband bracelets that kids make, with the colors desaturated. The sky is from a summer evening, shot with my Hoya FLW filter.

Hi-res link:

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